Links Of Interest

Places to buy beer ingredients and equipment

Physical places to go:

Brew and Wine Hobby 12 Cedar Street in East Hartford

Luck and Levity in New Haven if you are down south. A very new place with less inventory that Brew and Wine

Web sites to visit:

Brewmasters Wearhouse

farmhouse brewing supply

Podcasts and discussion

Brewing network: The Sunday Session (fun casual discussions with brewers)

Brew Strong (Great discussions about many specific subjects about brewing [i.e. Finings, Aeration, Going Pro])

Jamil Show (Can you brew it. Experts attempt to clone some of your favorite beers)

Beer smith podcast (interviews with experts about many specific subjects [i.e. Diacetyl, Batch Sparging, Head Retention])

Beer style information (Beer Judge Certification Program)

iPhone app

Android app (Learn about beer styles and become a sommelier for beer)


Beer smith (Every calculation you can think of about brewing beer. Input ingredients and know OG, IBUs, Mash times, etc)

BrewPal (iPhone app for similar calculations as above, but a bit less extensive)


Other info

American Homebrewers Association (AHA)