October Recap
Post date: Nov 24, 2014 1:07:09 PM
It was already the best meeting ever and we didn't even sample any homebrew! This is thanks to Paul's s kick-ass smoker and the delicious rum ham, ribs and bacon-wrapped chickens stuffed with jalapeño peppers that Ryan and Steve tended to all day long. It even attracted 2 new members! Can’t deny some initial apprehension having a meeting ‘outside’ on a late October night on a day that featured wind and rain a good part of the day. It had stopped raining and the wind died down...somehow it turned out fun...go figure!
Chris started off Tripel night with a young, homebrewed tripel. Being the only one to brew this month’s style, there was still no shortage of tripels. Tim brought Beer’d imperial trouble belgian tripel, Chris also brought a St. Bernardus tripel, an Adelbert’s Tripel B and a Smuttynose tripel, Sean brought a River horse tripel and a Val-Du Triple from Brasserie de l’Abbaye du Val-Dieu, Joe shared a Relic Belgian Tripel and Jesse shared a Port Jeff Brewing Company Tripel H and a Boulevard Long Strange Tripel
Of course we had a variety of other homebrews to sample as well. John shared his Caribou Slobber, Chris brought his Harvest Brown made with what is believed to be Cascade wet hops and Marty’s Oktoberfest. Colin brought a pale ale. Dave and Brian brought the Belgian wit pale ale yeast experiment and another IPA. Steve brought Eric Morse’s lower corner IPA. Tim only brought an amber. Bill brought an IPA, Jesse brought a 15 minute American pale ale.
The November meeting is confirmed for Friday, the 21st in Middletown, look for the email invite. November’s style: Dopplebock
Brew on!