March Meeting
Post date: Apr 6, 2014 10:57:50 AM
Another fantastic gathering this March with 19 in attendance including 3 newcomers and an excellent array of both homebrews and commercial beers. Special thanks go to Neal of the New England Emporium and his staff for being such fantastic hosts. We highly recommend bringing your homebrew here to enjoy with their delicious food.
The meeting kicked off with a Scotch ale tasting including 3 homebrewed and several (we kind of lost count) commercial examples. A 60 Shilling by Mike, an 80 Shilling by Sean and a Wee Heavy by Chris. The commercial examples included Oskar Blues Old Chub, Belhaven, Founders Dirty Bastard, Sam Adams Wee Heavy and an Innis & Gunn.
We then sampled the various homebrews available including a Maibock, Sour Cherry, Dark Lager, a Pale Ale and a Maple Pale Ale, as well as a Rye ESB, a few American IPAs and a Mead.
Our April meeting is scheduled for the 25th at a member’s home, watch for the email invite soon. April’s style: Brown Ale.
Brew on!